Tuesday's WOD looked great but I was feeling the recent workouts from the weeks before and the weekend lacrosse game. I have a feeling that I need to take it easy for a while. Not to long though.
Wednesday WOD:
400m run
21 pull-ups
400m run
21 overhead squats 55lbs
400m run
21 hang cleans55lbs
400m run
21 push jerks55lbs
400m run
21 pull-ups
400m run
Time 18:21 fastest time on level two that I am aware of. This workout is actually Level 1 but with a 400m run. Level 2 is 75lbs. I tried the weight but was not able to support it on the overhead squats. Over head squats are very tough. If you are able to do them then that means you core is very strong. After all, it takes your whole body to hold the weight over your head while you do 21 squats with 75lbs over your head. The work out was great I really enjoyed it especially the running part. The last run was the toughest mentally for me because my legs were tired and I felt that I had no more juice in them. But I pushed through that and finished strong. I had the fastest time in level 2 that morning. I was very proud of the hard work that took place during the workout.
I am modifying my week a little bit. Today I had planned to run 4 miles but that got thrown out the window and moved to Thursday. So the plan is to run 7 miles in the morning and do the crossfit WOD on Friday. And a 10 mile run Saturday morning. That will complete my week with a total of 20 miles for the week. The hardest thing that I will face is my mind I will try to talk myself out of training and just giving up on this race in April. But anyone can give up and not everyone can finish a 50k!
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