March 27th Jose, John and I went out to Huntsville state park to run the trail that we will be running in two weeks. We woke up early to get a head start stopping off at IHOP to grab a bite to eat. About 6:30 we drove off to Huntsville and arrived there at 8am, then got everything ready including water bottles, hammer gel, and made sure everyone went to the bathroom. We started running about 8:30 and hit the trail at a slow and steady pace. We couldn't have asked for better weather than what we had that day. Partly sunny skies with a nice breeze.
Loaded with water and calorie replacement we headed off into the woods to experience nature in a different way than most people experience it. Running to some is not fun. But I think that when you add the beauty of nature with running it become a totally different experience. There is something about running in the woods with no cars, concrete and sometimes even no people that awakens something instinctive in the soul and connects you to the creator! You realize that you are just an observer of what is going on around you and everything become quiet and still. The beauty takes over and the quietness brings a deeper thought into your mind. It is a great place to be, and is addicting to some degree. It is hard to get that feeling somewhere other than in nature.
I have experience that feeling many times before. But when you are hurting, because you have just run 22 miles it puts things into a different perspective. I guess that is what life is like. Some times you come to a time in your life where everything is hard. Work, Family, health, finances, and what ever else comes your way. In the race you keep moving one foot after the other, and while that is happening you are observing what is going on a round you. Right then and there you have a choice: 1)you can think about how bad it hurts, or 2)you can keep moving until the next aid station or the finish line. Everything that is going on around you becomes an opportunities for you to get you mind off the pain and keep moving. Life is much the same, you get bombarded with so many things that it can be easy to stop break down curl up into a ball and quit. But life keeps happening with or without you and while you lay there other runner are passing you. So why not enjoy the ride and observe the beauty of everything that is happening around you. It is going to hurt anyways but you will live and continue to see the beauty that the creator has given us. The finish line is not the finish! It is only the beginning of a new challenge that has not been revealed yet! Life keeps going and so do we even after we leave the earth!
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