Sunday, December 12, 2010

Training Week December 4 - 11

This week started out rough. I didn't hit the gym until Wednesday but ran 3 miles both Monday and Wednesday with Roxy (training partner).

Wednesday's workout consisted of:

3x Cleans (115lbs)
3x Kettlebell swings (50lbs)
3x 200 meter run

Can't remembered what the time that I finished it in. The workout got tough as it went on the clean especially. Lots of leg work. Before that workout I ran about 3+ miles with Roxy we also stopped at the pond so Roxy could do some swimming. Not too worried about time on the runs just completing them.

Friday's Workout was right up my ally:

1600 m 6:36
1200 m 4:50
800 m 3:10
400 m 1:27
200 m :38
100 m :17

But there was a catch! 3 minute rest between each round while resting I had to complete one tire flip then jump on the tire, into the tire, on the tire then off the tire, only once though. It wasn't too hard.

The runs felt pretty dang good! Times are slow but I haven't been working on speed too much lately.

Saturday Roxy and I hit the trails about 6:30 am and headed out for a 9 - 10 mile run. It took us a little under 2 hours to complete which wasn't bad considering that Roxy got to play in the pond by the YMCA for a while. Also on the trail Shelly is buried so we stop and visit her burial site too! I have nicknamed it Shelly trail because Shelly and I and the rest of the family spent many hours out there.

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