Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rocky Racoon 50k

Will I have it set in my sights! Rocky Racoon 50k, I will start my training Monday. The plan is simple Crossfit 3-4 time a week and run the other days. Including a little run on the the days I don't crossfit. This coming Saturday will be my first long run in a while. The plan is to run 6 miles Louetta to Grant road. The next week I will increase my mileage to 9 and then fluctuate a little through out the summer working my way up to 12 - 14 miles. I will also incorporate speed work in to my training. The goal is to be able to run fast and smarter.

The goal for this 50k is to complete it in 6 hours or less. I think that is possible. I will make my best effort to post information and the training that I have been doing. Also posting event that are occurring in my life that will effect my training. Training is not just about the event but all the events that take place before the run its self. I am sure life will get interesting before the race. I hope to keep you inform as for how it goes and hope that I will gain your support in my effort to brake hours running 31.1 miles!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Training begins

I have always wanted to achieve my goal of running a 50k. I have accomplished this twice and the second time was faster than the first by almost 30 minutes. I would like to cut that time down to 5:30 that would be almost 1 hour cut from my last time. Rocky raccoon is coming up in November and it is time to start training. I haven't been really strict on my training. Eating foods that actually do more damage than good. My training hasn't been real strict as far as eating goes. My running fluctuates. I feel that if I am going to accomplish my goal of running a faster 50k I need to buckle down and get into the mode. This coming week is a great time to start. I have been feeling the urge to really come down strong and start seriously training to accomplish a faster 50k and then in 2011 a fifty miler. I want to do this to show myself my abilities when I really work for something what is actually possible. Monday I start my training, I will start with a plan to reach my goal of a 30 min or more pr at Rocky Raccoon in November. I will continue to post my workouts on this blog along with my thoughts and more.