Monday, January 26, 2009

Tim's 50k Training Crew 2009

Jana! Moral support and food provider!
Relationship: Wife
B-Day: 12/09/77
Leg advantage: Two
Favorite movie: The Pirate Movie
Mode of Training transportation: Bike and Car
Exercise type: Crossfit
Training Duty: Make sure her husband does the workouts required to finish the race. Moral Support, and encouragement. Making sure that Timmie has everything he needs!
Longest Distance: 24 miles (Grand Canyon Crossing)

Timmie! aka Little Guy! Has dad trained to push him around the neighborhood!
Relationship: Son/best buddies
B-day: 11/30/08
Leg advantage: Two fresh band new legs
Favorite word: BAH!
Favorite Toy: Sticks, pens, and anything else that he can find
Training Duty: Non just sit back and relax when daddy is pushing him. Or complain about not going fast enough or stopping.
Longest Distance: 25 feet

Shelly! The long distance trainer!
Breed: Border Collie
B-Day: 7-31-2005
Leg advantage: Four
Favorite toy: Balls and Fisbees
Training Duty: Making sure that the trail is clear ahead. Also making sure the Dad is has a sense of humor on his runs. Long Distance is her favorite but really like it when Dad or Mom play ball or fisbee with her!
Longest distance: 18 miles
Collar: Spiked green leather collar
Other activities: Dock jumping, Barking at other dogs behind fences, chasing after balls and fisbees and anything else that mom and dad throw.

Monday Jan 26th, 2009
Ran 3.70 miles- goals was to run 4 but I came up a little short. felt good on the run but did not go as far as I need to. I will run Wednesday morning 6 miles and then run 6 miles Thursday that will give me a total of 15.7 miles along with a twelve mile run this saturday. That will total 27.7 miles for the week. Tomorrows WOD is: Not posted yet, I will inform you tomorrow what it is.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Man! It has been a long time!

Here are my workouts from this week!
Friday Jan 23rd
Tabata What?
5 Stations - MAX EFFORT at 8 x intervals of 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest at each station - score for that station is lowest scoring interval. 1 minute rest between stations.
Stations are:
Squats Pull-ups
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (m:45lb KB)
Total score for workout is sum of scores from each station. 41

7 mile run! 1 hour and 20 minutes

Thursday Jan 22nd
For time:(in any order)
Run 400 meters
80 Sit-ups
70 Walking Lunge Steps
60 KB Swings (m:45lb)
50 Slam Balls (m:15lb)
40 Box Jumps (m:24in)
30 GHD Hip Extensions
20 Pull-ups
10 Burpees
Row 500 meters
Time 23:56 WOW! this WOD was awesome it was very exhausting.

Wed. Jan 21st
Back Squat
Max was 205 lbs pretty awesome!!!

Tuesday Jan 20th
For time:(the movements between the runs can be done in any order)
Run 200 meters25 Bench Press (m:95lb)
Run 200 meters25
Ring Dips
Run 200 meters
25 DB Shoulder Press (m:30lbs)
Run 200 meters
50 Push-ups
Run 200 meters
Can't remember the time?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Monday Jan 19, 2009


3 rounds for time:
Run 400 meters

15 GHD Hip Extensions
30 Slam Balls (m:15lb)
45 Jumping Pull-ups

17:20- Good WOD! Worked every part of the body. The run was great but going from the pull-ups to the run was difficult. being that my arms were the one that were suffering. Everrything else was great.

4.98 Mile run- run was great I felt great andmy legs felt very strong. The weather was very nice and cool. I keep a good strong pace through out the middle of the run. My legs did tire towards the end but I am not surprise because of the workout from this morning which worked the legs. Below you can see my route this evening. Tomorrow Morning it is off to Crossfit and I am off and taking it easy, no running tomorrow!

Mon - Sat. 6 days worth of post in one day!

Monday Jan. 12 WOD

150 Thrusters (morning 5:00am)

Run 4 miles (Evening 9:30pm)- great workout, but very challenging. Had to keep form throughout the entire work and that was the hard part. this workout also played with my mind a lot. I wish that I had the time that I accomplished it in but I don't. I started out doing 25 thruster and then tampered down to sets of two and then up to 10 sets. Very challenging workout that really focused on form and endurance! That night I also went out for a 4 mile run. It was a good run I felt really good on it

Tuesday Jan 13 WOD

As many reps in 20 minutes

8 dynamic push-ups

10 pull-ups

9 reps

Man this was also a tough workout. Talk about overcoming your thoughts. This one really challenged my mind. I did kipping pull-ups all the way through but had to back down to knees push ups because I had a hard time.

Wednesday Jan 14
For time, 21-15-9 of:
Push Press (m 95lb)
Box Jumps (m 30in)

Matt was really pushing me to go more so I did. 95lbs push press was really pushing me. The weight was tough the last round of nine and bearly finished. But completed the whole workout. I had been doing box jumps on the 24" box, but this time Matt pushed me towards the 30" I did the whole workout on the 30" box. It was pretty awesome. In the front of my mind I was saying that I could not jump up on the box. Then Matt yelled out just jump, do it! So I stopped thinking about and just started jumping. I completed the entire workout. It was very tough and pushed me to my limits.

Thursday Jan 15

3 rounds for time of:
40 KB Swings (m:45lb)
25 Knees to Elbows
I was feeling yesterday's workout. The kettle bell swings were very tough and challenged my core and upper body. My grip started to go on the second round which made it hard to keep a firm grip on the handle. I finished pretty slow, but that was because of the strenuous workout on Wed.
Run 6 Miles- I ran at memorial park and there was hardly anyone there because the Houston Marathon is coming up this weekend. I did two loops around memorial park and felt very good. My legs were tight and stiff but that is going to be a given after the two WOD that I had. I finished the run in 50 minutes which was better than I thought that I would do.

Friday Jan 16
5 minutes of max jump ropes
50 Med Ball Clean & Jerks as a group!

Good wholesome workout! I did 430 on the jump rope which is great! When I first started out I had a hard time doing 200, and this time 200 hundred was really easy. So the jump rope was easier than what it has been in the past. Then on to the med ball cleans and that was a bit tough because Matt was calling the moves and the counts.

Saturday Jan 17

12 miles- My legs were pretty much dead from the week. I did Load up two water bottles of Electrolytes and brought a Cliff bar with me. The plan for this run was to walk the first mile and then run 3 miles and walk a mile and run three and so on until I finished. I was not so worried about the time but finishing was what was most important. Endurance is what I am working on here not speed and I have to keep that in mind while training for the 50k. My speed work out will take place during the week on road or trail, depending on where I am. Total Mileage- 22

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday Jan. 10,2009

Suppose to be a 10 mile run but end up being a 7 mile or 1 hour and 20 min run at Memorial Park.

The weather was the typical Houston Weather unpredictable unless you watch the news which I don't. I did how ever notice on my way out to Memorial park that the clouds were very dark. I also stopped to pick up a cliff bar for the run. When I went into the store the weather was nice humid and slightly warm just like I like it. When I came out it was windy and the temp. was dropping. I though to myself that a cold front was coming in and that was obvious because of the temp drop and the wind picked up so I check the forecast on my phone and the prediction was High 69.
So I drove out to Memorial park parked and Shelly and I took off on our run. We started about 7:45 and we finished at 9:00 I would have gone longer but there was something that I was committed to at 10 for the rest of the day. The run was great I felt good and my hip was not bothering me like it was on Thursday. Shelly did have some trouble with other dogs, but other than that the run was great.
The miles that I missed this week I will make up throughout the week. That is anywhere between 3-4 miles. This week I will also be sending in my registration form to run in the race.
This week the training schedule is Crossfit every morning, but going easy on the weight and the workouts.
Miles for the week 22.
  • 4 miles on Mon, Wed, Thurs
  • 10 on Saturday

Stay tuned for this weeks updates. By the way I have not been doing very on my diet. I will keep working towards a better diet every day.

Life is Great!


Friday, January 9, 2009

Thursday Jan 8, 2009

When ever your neck is stuck or out of balance the rest of the body compensates for that. It is a correction process that your body goes through in order to keep the eyes level. So in that case my neck was out of balance and therefore my hips were compensating to correct what was going on in my neck or it could have been the opposite. But regardless I had the adjust done by my good friend Dr. Otis who is an amazing Chiropractor and is 85 years old and still practicing. (That really inspires me to continue my practice in massage). I left feeling better. However my hips had adjusted to my neck and my hips became out of balance mainly my right deep six rotators, IT band and Hamstring group. All day long it just stayed there contracting because that is what it was use to doing for the last few days or even weeks. So I had Faith and my Dad work on the area and we discovered that the range of motion for the deep six rotators was not at its fullest range of motion. After some compressive work and releasing the muscles in that area my range of motion improved and I was back to normal. Alternative therapy works again . I think I will start keeping score Alternative Therapy 50: Conventional Meds 1

5 Miles through the neighbor hood with my training crew. I felt strong but my hip was really bothering me. I still completed the miles. I took two bottles of water with me one had water the other had Electrolyte Stamina. Weather was great! My legs did get tired toward the end but I believe that is from the restriction in my right hip.

Two Boil eggs
Salad with grass feed beef
Tuna Sandwich, and a Chocolate cookie
Water throughout the whole day

I have decided to see how long I can go before I have any candy, cookies or any other high sugar content product.

I will post pictures tonight so stay posted. Saturday is my 10 mile run so look forward to hearing about that.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday Jan6-7, 2009

Tuesday's WOD looked great but I was feeling the recent workouts from the weeks before and the weekend lacrosse game. I have a feeling that I need to take it easy for a while. Not to long though.

Wednesday WOD:
400m run
21 pull-ups
400m run
21 overhead squats 55lbs
400m run
21 hang cleans55lbs
400m run
21 push jerks55lbs
400m run
21 pull-ups
400m run

Time 18:21 fastest time on level two that I am aware of. This workout is actually Level 1 but with a 400m run. Level 2 is 75lbs. I tried the weight but was not able to support it on the overhead squats. Over head squats are very tough. If you are able to do them then that means you core is very strong. After all, it takes your whole body to hold the weight over your head while you do 21 squats with 75lbs over your head. The work out was great I really enjoyed it especially the running part. The last run was the toughest mentally for me because my legs were tired and I felt that I had no more juice in them. But I pushed through that and finished strong. I had the fastest time in level 2 that morning. I was very proud of the hard work that took place during the workout.

I am modifying my week a little bit. Today I had planned to run 4 miles but that got thrown out the window and moved to Thursday. So the plan is to run 7 miles in the morning and do the crossfit WOD on Friday. And a 10 mile run Saturday morning. That will complete my week with a total of 20 miles for the week. The hardest thing that I will face is my mind I will try to talk myself out of training and just giving up on this race in April. But anyone can give up and not everyone can finish a 50k!



Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday Jan 5, 2009

WOD 1-5-09

Dead Lifts
165, 175, 180, 185, 190

Max Push-ups in two minutes: 52

The workout was a good break from the normal routine of crossfit. Last time I did this WOD my max was 199. I wanted to take it easy this time because I was feeling the last two weeks workouts still. I think I am going to continue to take it easy the rest of this week.

I ran 3 miles tonight around 7:15pm the weather was good and cold. It was nice weather, it wasn't to windy or rainy. It felt good except for lunch felt like it had not settled. I feel faster and stronger in my legs and it is starting to get easier to run for longer periods of time. I contribute that to Crossfit and the strength that I am building there.

My meals were pretty good.
Eggs, Onions, bell peppers, guacamole, tomatoes, and bacon

salad with chicken turkey and eggs. Maybe a little too much meat. afterwards I had strawberries and grapes to wrap up my lunch. I did have some sweats, my wife made these awesome rice crispy treats that are really good. So it has been hard to resist.

Veggies and tomato sauce with baked red potatoes. It was a good dinner!

Tomorrow morning I will go to Crossfit and I will take a day off from running.
Life is Great!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Saturday and Sunday

Click to play Alumni game

These are some of the photos from the Alumni game.

Ironman Alumni Lacrosse Game
Top: is the old guys. Left to right: Grant, Mike, Brian, Me.
Bottom: all ironman team members that played at the game.

The game was great but my legs felt like bricks. My lungs could not keep up either. I am thinking it was because of the intense workouts from this past two weeks. It was fun I miss playing though. Back to training! Today I put together my training calendar. I will be posting it by weeks and posting each workout including my runs and along with the food and supplements that I used during before and after the runs.

Also, I am planning my B-day party for this year. It is going to be a 29 mile run some where. I f you are interested let me know.



Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday Jan.2, 2008

Well it is Friday and a couple of days ago I had an idea to do a run on my birthday and make that my birthday party this year! so I am going to do that

Date: July 23 Thursday
Time:6:30 in the morning
Place: Unknown
Distance:23 miles just kidding, 29 miles

anyone is invited to come even if you live in another state.

Today I decide to go to Crossfit instead of run. I am not sure which one was a better idea. At first I was going to run 6 miles but then changed my mind on the way home and decide to do the WOD and during the WOD I made the decision to not run because my legs are really feeling Thursday's WOD "2009".

WOD 1-2-09
3 rounds for time
50 Push-ups
50 slam balls

Time 13:52

Tough! My food intake was pretty decent until I made it home. It helps when you are able to work at such a great store like Sandy's Market and you get to have great healthy food all day. Breakfast: Omelet with fresh veggies and guacamole
Lunch: Salad with grass feed beef.
Dinner: Not so good! Fudge and a slice of Ham? Yeah I need to work on this.

So my meals at home need to improve tremendously.
Tomorrow I will be playing an alumni Lacrosse game against some young guys. So I really look forward to seeing how I stand up to them now that I have been involved with Crossfit for 6+ months. It will be great just like old times.

Life is Great!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Jan 1st 2009 Thursday

2009 was the work out of the Day!
(2 Round)
1. 200m Run
40 Kettle Bell Swings 40 lbs
40 Sit-ups
80 Lunges
40 Push-press 45lbs
40 Jumping Pull ups
40 Box Jumps 24"
200m weighted walk 35lbs
40 wall ball shots 12lbs

2. Row 500m (Done anywhere in the work out)

3. 69 Burpees (done at the end or begining of the workout)

Time- 52:47

What a tuff work out! It is always fun to work out at Crossfit! This was one of the tuffest workout I have ever done. It was very challneging and really worked on the endurance level. Awesome workout! Before the work out I had Perpetum two servings with no food. The secound roound I was not so fatigue infact my endurance improved and I was able to finish strong . Perpetum is truely a great formula for endrance events and I plan to train and use it during my training and the race. I did not run today but I think the WOD took care of that. I will run tomorrow (6 miles). Later!
