Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Monday WOD: "Angie" 6/29/09

100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats

25:? I think

I can't remember what my times was but I know that this was a difficult WOD. During the pull-ups I had a hard time keeping a good grip and also my hands are having to adjust from the previous pull-up workout that tore my hands up. But I did all pull-ups kipping. The push-ups I had to scale down to knees. I felt that if I kept going at the pace I was going it would take me a while to finish. Sit-ups were hard because every time I stop I would get light headed. Squats were fun! I always like air squats. But legs were feeling the burn.

I am discovering more and more where my weaknesses are. I know for sure that my upper body isn't as strong, and I am discovering that speed is my other weakness. I know that those two things have improved since I started a year ago. So focusing a little more on those two things I believe will help a lot. I know that doing some more speed training out side of my WODs will help my time over all. As far as increasing upper body strength. I know that my upper body has gotten stronger I think that I will just keep going. I have come along ways and know those areas have improved. The areas that I am not so good are starting to be discovered.


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